Global VC funding down 7% to $565.2B in 2023

After the venture capital boom during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, the global capital raising market started showing signs of weakness in...

NFT market growth slows consistently, set to hit only 2.6% by...

After a peak in September 2021, global non-fungible tokens (NFT) sales have been consistently falling as collectors spend less and less money...

Finance sector’s AI spending to grow 30% yearly, hit $97B in...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing business operations in the finance industry. Despite concerns about potential 300 million full-time jobs displacement in the...

Internet shutdowns costs global economy over $50B in last 5 years

Recent report reveals that global economy was affected significantly by the government partially or full internet blockages and shutdowns.

Machine Learning to reach $204 Billion in 2024; 70% of total...

The machine learning (ML) industry is experiencing explosive growth, driven by surging demand for AI solutions across various sectors.

Tesla stumbles in AI boom: stock value dips by 30%

While other AI companies stock prices are soaring, Elon Musk's Tesla is having a rough start in 2024. The world's most valuable...

42% techies say proving AI solutions’ value is biggest hurdle in...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in the business world, offering transformative opportunities for organizations worldwide. However,...

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